Sunday, May 31, 2009
Busy Weekend
So we ended up going to Hermiston for a 40 mile ride. Aaron, Missy, me and the new member of Team Tweekers, Greg went on a little ride. I was assuming we were going on a standard 20 mile ride like normal. Until I saw Aaron loading up will all different kinds of Hammer Nutrition supplements.
Here is a nice little group photo of Aaron, Missy, Me, and Greg. Oh by the way, I really like the Jersey that Aaron just got. I forgot to ask him where he got it and how much. I just know I could never afford one that nice. I wish I could find something like that on sale somewhere..............
Greg is new to this cycling thing, but he is not like must of us. He is some professional, collegic (is that how you spell it?, oh well), multi scholarship winning, athletic, freak of nature. Thats a complement and the truth. I think this was his second time out on a road bike, and he's already able to do 40 miles like its nothing. But wait, he's not riding some five thousand dollar plus machine, oh no, hes on a borrowed bike. The bike has been named "Purple Thunder". And if you can zoom in on the bartape, those are skulls your seeing, This bike is a 1988 Dave Scott Centurian Iornman machine. Back in the day this bike was the S*%T. This bike kicked my butt this afternoon.
I had a flat today. No big deal but I think I jinxed myself because I asked Aaron minutes earlier if he's had many flats this season. I had the only spare tube, so it was a quick fix. Well it should have been. I got a little winded trying to pump up the tire with the little pump so Aaron offered to help. Well lets just say he got a little aggressive with the pump and broke the schrader valve off in the pump. We called M who was watching all the kids and she was able to come and save us, with a new tube and lots of water. Thanks dear....
Myself and Aaron just cycling along. Good shot of Aaron, not so good of me. I look sick, actually I think I had a small case of heat exhaustion. I did not properly hydrate yesterday on the boat, and I payed for it today. Started getting the cold sweats and then the last 4 miles I stopped sweating. Good times.
Man, this post seems long, Blah, Blah, Blah, I'm done.
Paterson Hill
Monday, May 25, 2009
Top 5
Ok, just got home and thought I'd let you know how it went today. Lets just say that swimming's for losers. I hate it, I suck at it, and I dont want to do it again. Soooo. I got that off my chest.
I managed to swim like a normal person for 1/3 of the swim and then flipped to my back for the last 2/3's. I wanted to quit so bad but I really didnt want to be dragged back to shore by a kayak. Luckily the wet suit saved me big time. I was able to float and just paddle on my back. I know I was zig zaging down the course because everytime I fliped back to my stomach I was way off course, so I had to readjust. By the time a made it to the end I was so happy, I didnt even care that I was one of the last to exit the water.
I transitioned well and got on the bike and did what I expected, passed alot of people. It made it very fun to have alot of people in front of me, so it gave me something to chase down. I believe I finished the bike in about 12th position.
The run was as predicted as well. I felt good (well kinda) right off the bike and was able to run a 6:30 something average. Kinda like the bike portion, I just picked people off one at a time. There was one group that was running together and all three of them were in my age group (40-49) so it was nice to get three for the price of one.
I ended up having a good day. It definitely started off very bad. I know I need to do some swimming and have someone show my how to.
It will be interesting to see the split times, and see how slow I really was in the swim. I will post a link to the results here .
I wasnt able to get many action pictures, but heres a couple of me on the run and bike. And no I did not take my phone with me on the swim.
Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
got 2 tri ?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Modern Technology
Headed to Portland
Also never been this close to a "wind machine" or turbine. They are huge.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Love is in the air
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
What's wrong with this picture?
Ok, its been a while since I've had one of these segments. This one is easy.
Yes, thats a cow with a plastic lawn chair stuck around its head. I couldnt resist making a U-turn and getting a picture of it. I'll check the chairs status tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Recovery Ride
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Fiasco in Pasco Duathlon
This was the bling I got for finishing 1st in my old age group (40-44 yrs).
Here is Missy (finished 2nd overall for da ladies) and Garth showing off his 2nd place (30-34) award. Race results